


Business domain

urban renewal

We will make the quality of life of residents better, optimize the function of community services, improve the overall appearance of cities, and increase social fiscal revenue.

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Supervision and control of funds

We will promote scientific and technological innovation and development and boost the vitality of social and economic.Strengthen the international financial layout and facilitate the internationalization of the RMB.

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The Belt and Road Initiative

 We will support major domestic projects and promote balanced regional development. Accelerate industrial revitalization and upgrading,implement Green-Eco and carbon reduction.

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The Road and Belt Initiative

We will link key foreign regions and expand global strategic cooperation. achieve win-win cooperation and ensure a harmonious global development 

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About Jiyuan

Shanghai Jiyuan Urban Renewal Construction and Development Co., Ltd. is a strategic investment platform of the National Belt and Road Initiative Smart City Working Committee. In the future, we will work in finance, urban renewal, mining and energy, education and medical care, cutting-edge technology and other fields to create value for the society. Giving full play to its unique advantages in the international financial field, we will plan to build the Shanghai global center project on the bank of the Huangpu River, attracting the phoenix trees, building a nest and singing the heavenly songs. The eastward shift of international capital will make China the engine leading the world economic development for quite a long time to come.

News about Jiyuan

Political News

industry development




The urban renewal action is speeding up again
Cities are the centers of economic, political, cultural and social activities in China, and urban construction is an important engine of modernization.
