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Inherit and carry forward the excellent traditional Chinese culture
2022-12-05 10:31:00

Number of readings:104

The excellent traditional Chinese culture accumulates the deepest spiritual pursuit of the Chinese nation, represents the unique spiritual symbol of the Chinese nation, is the rich nourishment of the Chinese nation's endless growth, development and growth, is the cultural fertile soil of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and is the foundation for us to stand firm in the world cultural upheaval. "We adhere to the combination of the basic principles of Marxism with China's specific realities and the excellent traditional Chinese culture, and constantly promote the modernization of Marxism in China. We have promoted the creative transformation and innovative development of China's excellent traditional culture. We should adhere to integrity and innovation, promote the adaptation of China's excellent traditional culture to socialist society, display the unique spiritual identity of the Chinese nation, and better build the Chinese spirit and Chinese price Value, China's strength. " In the new era, we should inherit and carry forward the excellent traditional Chinese culture, deeply tap its value connotation, further stimulate the vitality and vitality of the excellent traditional Chinese culture, and build a deep cultural foundation and provide a strong spiritual force for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

The excellent traditional Chinese culture is the wisdom crystallization and essence of Chinese civilization

The excellent traditional Chinese culture is the root and soul of the Chinese nation, the wisdom crystallization and essence of the Chinese civilization, our deepest cultural soft power, and our unique advantage. The cultural transportation is linked with the national transportation, and the cultural context is connected with the national context. Only when we have a deeper understanding of the contemporary value and the implication of the times of the excellent traditional Chinese culture, can we better build the Chinese spirit, Chinese value and Chinese power, and constantly create new brilliance of Chinese culture.

The outstanding traditional Chinese culture is a prominent advantage of the Chinese nation. The excellent traditional Chinese culture nurtured in more than 5000 years of civilization development accumulates the deepest spiritual pursuit of the Chinese nation and represents the unique spiritual identity of the Chinese nation. The core ideas, traditional Chinese virtues and humanistic spirit contained in the excellent Chinese traditional culture are the rich nourishment of the Chinese nation's endless growth and development. The CPC is a faithful successor, promoter and builder of China's excellent traditional culture. In leading the people in the great practice of revolution, construction and reform, it consciously shouldered the historical responsibility of inheriting and developing China's excellent traditional culture. Breakthroughs and historic achievements have been made in the inheritance and development of China's excellent traditional culture, and the Chinese culture has been carried forward in the continuous inheritance.

The excellent traditional Chinese culture is a strong foundation to strengthen cultural self-confidence. Cultural confidence is a more fundamental, broader and deeper confidence. History and reality show that a country and a nation should be self reliant and self reliant, first of all, culturally self-confident. The formation of a national culture is a process of continuous accumulation and inheritance from generation to generation. The Chinese culture has a long history and is brilliant. Its unique concept, wisdom, generosity and charm formed in the long-term development have added to the confidence and pride of the Chinese people and the Chinese nation. The Chinese civilization is the only one in the world that has not been interrupted and has developed so far, relying on the national ethos and cultural self-confidence shaped by the Chinese culture. We have firm confidence in the road, theory and system, and its essence is cultural confidence based on more than 5000 years of civilization inheritance. In the fight against the COVID-19, more than 1.4 billion Chinese people stood together and helped each other through thick and thin. Together, they forged a strong spiritual defense line of unity and unity, demonstrating the strong spiritual power of Chinese culture and the firm cultural self-confidence of the Chinese people.

The excellent traditional Chinese culture plays an important role in promoting the progress of human civilization. The excellent traditional Chinese culture contains the common values of peace, development, fairness, justice, democracy and freedom for all mankind. "If people from afar refuse to accept it, they have been cultivating virtue since then." Convincing people with reason, culture and virtue is the life endowment and survival patience of Chinese culture. The cultural spirit with contemporary value should be carried forward. The pace of Chinese culture going global has been increasing. 56 world heritage sites have shown the world a comprehensive and authentic ancient China and modern China. The affinity and appeal of Chinese culture in the world have been constantly improved.

Promote the creative transformation and innovative development of excellent Chinese traditional culture with high quality

Do not forget the original to open up the future, and be good at inheritance to better innovate. In order to inherit and carry forward the excellent traditional Chinese culture in the new era, we should follow a scientific attitude, adhere to the principle of making the past serve the present and making foreign things serve China, make dialectical choices and bring forth the new, and promote the creative transformation and innovative development of the excellent traditional Chinese culture with high quality.

Make good use of the achievements of the Chinese Civilization Exploration Project to carry forward the excellent traditional Chinese culture. The research achievements of major projects, such as the Project of Exploring the Origin of Chinese Civilization, have demonstrated China's human history of millions of years, cultural history of 10000 years, and civilization history of more than 5000 years, showing the origin and development of Chinese civilization. We should make good use of the achievements of the Project of Exploring the Origin of Chinese Civilization and the achievements of historical research, improve part of China's ancient history, and tell the ancient history completely and accurately. We should strengthen the publicity, promotion and transformation of the achievements of the Project of Exploring the Origin of Chinese Civilization, educate and guide the broad masses of cadres, especially young people, to understand the origin and development of Chinese civilization, understand the brilliant achievements of excellent Chinese traditional culture, explain the historical origin, development context and basic trend of Chinese culture, clarify the formation and development process of the pluralistic integration of Chinese civilization, and play the role of educating people with history and culture.

We will promote the protection and utilization of cultural relics and the protection and inheritance of cultural heritage. We should adhere to scientific protection according to law and improve the protection system for cultural relics and cultural heritage; Strengthen the excavation, interpretation, dissemination and utilization of multiple values of cultural relics and cultural heritage to make them live; Support cultural and museum institutions to strengthen their basic public cultural service functions and make full use of cultural relics and cultural heritage resources; We will support social forces to make rational use of cultural relics and cultural heritage resources according to law and regulations, mobilize the enthusiasm of social forces to participate, and develop and disseminate more cultural products and services that carry Chinese culture. In combination with the new conditions of the times, we will integrate more of the fine traditional Chinese culture contained in cultural relics and cultural heritage into all aspects of production and life.

We will promote the digital protection, dissemination, transformation and innovation of China's excellent traditional culture. Relying on the national cultural digitalization strategy and implementing the "Internet plus+Chinese Civilization" action plan, we should be good at using digital technology to extract Chinese cultural elements, symbols and logos with historical inheritance value, accelerate the construction of the Chinese national cultural gene bank, which is used to represent and inherit cultural genes, and promote historical and cultural identity. Make full use of the new generation of information technology, build an online and offline cultural experience environment, strengthen the integration and innovation of cultural display and utilization methods and digital protection of cultural heritage, and enrich the era expression and artistic presentation of excellent traditional culture. In line with the new situation of cultural consumption, cultural institutions and social forces are encouraged to make use of the Chinese cultural resource database and cultural data service platform to dig into the excellent traditional Chinese cultural materials, improve the cultural connotation of content creation and production, and expand the supply of digital cultural products and services.

Carry forward the common values of all mankind contained in the excellent traditional Chinese culture. We must seize the historic opportunity for all countries in the world to pay increasing attention to China's development and hope to understand Chinese culture, strengthen exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations, extract the cultural essence of contemporary value and world significance from the excellent traditional Chinese culture, and spread the innovative achievements of contemporary Chinese culture that inherit the excellent traditional culture and carry forward the spirit of the times, based on our own country and facing the world, Fully demonstrate the common values of all mankind contained in the excellent traditional Chinese culture, clarify the Chinese people's outlook on the universe, the world, society and morality contained in the excellent traditional Chinese culture, and demonstrate the achievements of the Chinese civilization exploration project and the charm of Chinese culture through various ways such as external publicity, exchange and discussion, so as to continuously enhance the vitality and influence of the excellent traditional Chinese culture.


(Source: Economic Daily Author: Niu Jiaru, Zhang Youjia, Institute of Public Management and Human Resources, Development Research Center of the State Council)