Business Scope

Supervision and control of funds

  • Jsource Fund

  • Assets Management

  • Investment Bank

For world prosperity, peace and happiness

  • Jisource provincial industrial investment fund


Special fund for regional development and industrial development investment in Hunan, Shanghai, Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Gansu, Xinjiang, Yunnan and northeast provinces.

  • Jisource Education Development Fund


Special funds for the development of "985", "211", "National College of Outstanding Engineers", "Global Education Research", "global cultivation of extraordinary children" and other educational understudies.

  • Jisource Social Progress Incentive Fund


Special funds to reward outstanding achievements in global science and humanities or outstanding contributions to social development.

  • Jisource Charity Fund


Special funds for public welfare and charity, such as global disaster relief, ecological and environmental protection, animal rescue, culture and art protection, education and medical assistance, and assistance to vulnerable groups.

  • Jisource Construction and Development Fund for Belt and Road Initiative


It is used for special investment funds for strategic cooperation, opening up and industrial development and construction of important regions in domestic and international, such as "Xiongan New Area", "Hainan Free Trade Zone", "Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area", "Mongolia Economic Cooperation Zone", "Kingdom of Tonga Economic Cooperation Zone", "East Timor Economic Cooperation Zone", "Madagascar Economic Cooperation Zone" and "Awaarua Economic Cooperation Zone of Cook Islands".

Assets Management

An accelerator of high-quality economic development

  • 早教运动课程

Banks that do not take deposits

  • Do not make profits in he form of low savings and high loans;

  • Interact only with Legal entity customer;

  • There is never the risk of a run;

  • 小学健康体能课程

Banks that encourage innovation

  • Support the industrialization of advanced, sophisticated technologies;

  • Set up a fund to advocate innovation;

  • Establishing an innovation incubation system in China;

  • 专项技能课程

Banks that do not collateralize

  • Only do business with startups;

  • Support intangible assets to buy shares at a discount;

  • Create a new entrepreneurial ecological environment;

  • 专项技能课程

Banks with abundant resources

  • Investment banks have international market resources;

  • Investment banks have cross-border comprehensive resources;

  • Investment banks have think tank management resources;

  • 专项技能课程

Banks that are not listed

  • The invested project does not pursue listing and withdrawal;

  • The investment bank's stake is never withdrawn;

  • Advocate a new venture investment and financing culture;

  • 专项技能课程

Banks with full function

  • Investment banks are technology-leading;

  • Investment banks have the function of economic stimulation;

  • Investment banks have the function of industry guidance