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The first summit forum for training outstanding engineers was held
2022-12-05 10:02:19

Number of readings:75

China Education News - China Education News Network (reporter Liang Dan) In order to further implement the spirit of the central talent work conference, implement the requirements of the promotion meeting for the training of outstanding engineers, jointly discuss and exchange major strategies and major issues for the education and training of outstanding engineers, and accelerate the exploration of the formation of a world-class training system for outstanding engineers with Chinese characteristics, under the guidance of the Ministry of Education and the State owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council, on September 27, On the occasion of the first anniversary of the Central Talent Working Conference, the first Summit Forum on the Cultivation of Outstanding Engineers was held at Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics.


Pictures of the main forum. School drawings


Sponsored by Tsinghua University and Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, the forum is composed of one main forum and six sub forums. It is held online and offline. Representatives from more than 100 units, including national ministries and commissions, local governments, universities, industry enterprises, national laboratories and associations, participated in the forum.


At the main forum session, Zhang Jun, Secretary of the Party Committee of Beijing University of Science and Technology, Wu Chaohui, President of Zhejiang University, Jiang Xiaojuan, Member of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, Chairman of the China Professional Degree Case Construction Expert Advisory Committee, and Professor of the University of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Tan Ruisong, Chairman and Secretary of the Party Leadership Group of China Aviation Industry Group Co., Ltd., and Yang Wei, Chairman of the China Association for Academic Degrees and Postgraduate Education made thematic reports respectively.


In the afternoon, the Outstanding Engineer Training Summit Forum held six sub forums, including the construction of the Outstanding Engineer Training Industry and Education Alliance, the construction of the National Institute of Outstanding Engineers, the cultivation and evaluation of outstanding engineers, the international cultivation of outstanding engineers, the cultivation of outstanding engineers in the aviation field, and the cultivation of outstanding engineers in the integrated circuit field.


At the sub forum on building an industry education alliance for cultivating outstanding engineers, Zhao Changlu, secretary of the Party committee of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Zheng Kai, executive deputy secretary-general of the China Association of Engineers and director of the China Association for Science and Technology Training and Talent Service Center, You Zheng, president of Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Shouqing, deputy secretary of the Party committee and chief engineer of Zhongguancun Laboratory, and Zhou Jian, director and deputy secretary of the Party Leadership Group of China Ordnance Industry Group, made reports respectively. The participants believed that in the process of cultivating outstanding engineers, we should further promote the integration of industry and education. First class universities, leading enterprises, national laboratories and industry associations should work together to make the supply and demand of industry and education meet directly, connect in both directions, and match for a long time. We should act together, pool our strength, promote the organic integration of talent training, engineering practice, and scientific and technological innovation, and accelerate the formation of an academic, industrial, and policy community for cultivating outstanding engineers.


At the sub forum on the construction of National Institute of Excellent Engineers, 14 leading construction units of National Institute of Excellent Engineers, including Harbin University of Technology and Shanghai Jiaotong University, said that they would further focus on the key areas urgently needed by the country, accelerate the building of "model rooms" for the training of excellent engineers from a high starting point and with high quality, build a community for the training of talents integrating production and education, and form a new paradigm for the organized joint training of engineering masters and doctors. At the training and evaluation sub forum for outstanding engineers, the participants focused on the education and training of masters and doctors of engineering in the new era, paid attention to the general trend of global engineering education reform and development, and demonstrated the theoretical research and innovative practical exploration related to the education and training of outstanding engineers in the new era. At the sub forum of international training of outstanding engineers, leaders from more than 20 universities and enterprises that have set up cooperative schools at home and abroad discussed how to learn from international experience, compare with the world level, and deepen international cooperation, centering on the theme of updating the education concept of international training engineering of outstanding engineers, innovation of production and education collaboration system, and innovation of professional certification system, Explore the Chinese program for training international excellent engineers.

Author: Liang Dan


Source: China Education News Network