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Accelerate innovation and seize the time to break through the "choke" problem
2022-12-05 10:06:54

Number of readings:76


"The CPC Central Committee implements the innovation driven development strategy, attaches great importance to independent innovation, attaches great importance to the construction of an innovative environment, strives to improve China's industrial level and strength, and promotes China's transformation from an economic power to an economic power and a manufacturing power."
Two "special attention" highlights the importance of innovation.

During this year's inspection trip, the General Secretary has repeatedly emphasized "independent innovation".
In Shanxi, we care about tackling green and low-carbon technologies; In Hainan, scientific research workers are encouraged to achieve independent and controllable provenance; In Sichuan, investigate the design, R&D and production of laser TV and intelligent projection; In Hubei, we listened to the introduction of the development of optoelectronic information industry and the tackling of key technologies; In the Hong Kong Science Park, learn more about the research achievements of Alzheimer's disease diagnosis and treatment

Breaking through the "choke" problem and achieving self-reliance in science and technology is the foundation of national prosperity and the key to security.

The General Secretary once likened the risk of "choking the neck" as follows: "No matter how large and how high the market value of an Internet enterprise is, if the core components are heavily dependent on foreign countries and the" lifeline "of the supply chain is in the hands of others, it is like building a house on the wall foundation of others. No matter how big and bright it is, it may not withstand the wind and rain, or even be vulnerable to a single blow."


 In "Beijing 8 minutes", the intelligent robot controlled the "ice screen" and 24 roller skaters, and constantly changed their graceful dancing posture with the ground projection.


      At the closing ceremony of the 2018 Pyeongchang Winter Olympics in South Korea, the performance of "Beijing Eight Minutes" amazed the world.


The 24 AI robots used in the performance are from Shenyang Xinsong Robot Automation Co., Ltd. This is a high-tech enterprise with robot technology as its core and dedicated to full intelligent products and services.

Xinsong has a R&D and innovation team of more than 4000 people, and has successfully developed five series and 100 categories of products, including industrial robots, cooperative robots, mobile robots, special robots, and service robots, with fully independent intellectual property rights, which have been exported to more than 40 countries and regions.


Wuhan Optics Valley, a sample of three-dimensional five axis laser cutting and welding equipment for automobile manufacturing was displayed.


formulate and implement the 10-year plan for basic research; Strengthen the main position of enterprise innovation; Perfect and optimize the science and technology innovation ecology; We will increase the proportion of R&D expenses added and deducted by small and medium-sized technology-based enterprises from 75% to 100%... In order to activate the innovation vitality of enterprises, we will implement the policy of "combination boxing" to consolidate the foundation of scientific and technological self-reliance.


During the "Fourteenth Five Year Plan" period, the population aged 60 and above is expected to exceed 300 million, accounting for more than 20% of the total population. China will enter a moderately aging society. In the face of the accelerating process of population aging, how to improve the sense of access, happiness and security of the elderly, so that the elderly can have a sense of security and dependence is a topic of common concern for the whole society.

A bed implanted with eye control system. The old man sat on it and stared at the screen on the bed board with his eyes. After a few seconds, the bed began to deform, and the back cushion slowly lifted the old man; A wheelchair that looks almost the same as an ordinary wheelchair.          

Because of its long "core", it can provide assistance when going uphill, provide resistance when going downhill, and correct the inclination to prevent falling A series of auxiliary robot products are displayed in the workshop of Xinsong Company. In an aging society, these innovative robot products will play an important role.

At present, China's economic and social development, improvement of people's livelihood and other fields face many practical problems that need to be solved. The choice of scientific research direction should adhere to the demand orientation, start from the urgent needs and long-term needs of the country, and truly solve practical problems.


Recently, the Jinan Silicon Valley Forum of 2022 China Seed Conference was held in Sanya under the theme of "Revitalizing China's Seed Industry and Rising Nanfan Silicon Valley".


On May 12, 2021, Hainan formally established Yazhouwan Seed Laboratory with the determination to fight a scientific and technological turnaround.

The laboratory has been established for more than a year, and preliminary achievements have been made in projects such as "hybrid rice double cropping yield of 3000 jin/mu", "anti meadow armyworm", and "herbicide tolerant corn".

Facing major national needs, scientific and technological innovation provides many solutions to support energy security, food security, etc.




At about 14:22 on July 24, the Long March 5 B Yao-3 carrier rocket carrying the China Space Station Sky Quest Laboratory Module was lifted off at Wenchang Space Launch Site. The cabin entered the scheduled orbit smoothly, and the launch mission was a complete success.


The rendezvous and docking of the capsule and the space station assembly was taken at the Beijing Space Flight Control Center on July 25. This is the simulated image of the successful docking of the Sky Quest Experiment Module with the forward port of the Sky Core Module.


The resource module, located at the top of the Tianwen experimental module, is the energy and power center of the space station and also a "space mediator". First of all, it needs to mediate a contradiction: with more and more space station members, how to alleviate the phenomenon of solar cell wings shielding each other?

After many demonstrations and deduction, the research team innovatively proposed the "truss type resource cabin configuration" scheme, and finally adopted the local truss structure to bear the solar wing and two-dimensional drive to orient the sun.
The largest single spacecraft in China, the largest flexible solar wing in China, and the first verification of the two degree of freedom orientation to the sun... The Sky Quest experimental module created a series of "firsts" and "the most".
To put the improvement of original innovation ability in a more prominent position, we are striving to achieve more breakthroughs from 0 to 1.

In 2021, China's self-developed all sea deep manned submersible "Endeavor" will be officially put into conventional scientific research and application in the Mariana Trench.

The first difficulty to overcome when diving into the 10000 meter seabed is the huge water pressure.
According to the target size and thickness requirements of the "Endeavor", the materials used in the submersible in the past have failed to meet the standards. It is necessary to find a titanium alloy with high strength, high toughness and weldability.
The Institute of Metals of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, in conjunction with a number of domestic enterprises and research institutes, has established a "national team" for the development of deep-sea titanium alloy manned module. The new titanium alloy material Ti62A created by the R&D team successfully solved the problems of strength, toughness and weldability faced by the materials of the manned cabin.

Today, major innovative achievements have emerged in China. Some frontier fields have started to enter the stage of parallel running and leading. Scientific and technological strength is making a qualitative leap from the accumulation of quantity to the improvement of system capability from the breakthrough of point.



The research and development of key core technologies is a hard battle or a lasting battle.
Adhere to the problem orientation, face the actual needs, and rush to the most urgent and urgent problems. After a long time of hard work, we will be able to achieve the set goal and hand over the wonderful answer sheet of scientific and technological self-reliance.

Prepared by Director Qian Wei, Wang Shanshan
Supervised by Zhang Ou
Producer | Xinglai
Chief Editor Ning Li Li
Editor: Cheng Yu
Vision | Jiangyuhang
Checked by Yang Caiyun

(Editor in charge: Yuan Bo, Hu Yongqiu)