
China's joint construction of the "the Belt and Road" with neighboring countries has yielded fruitful results (a global hotspot)
2019-05-08 14:09:04



Recently, in Bandung, Indonesia, the comprehensive inspection vehicle of high-speed railway runs in the test section of Yah Wan high-speed railway.

The successful trial operation of Indonesia's Ya'an Wanzhou high-speed railway, the opening of Cambodia's Golden Harbor Expressway, the full use of China Laos railway freight stations, the first 4F runway and modern water flight terminal in the Maldives' Verana Airport... Recently, a large number of high-quality key projects of the "the Belt and Road" jointly built by China and neighboring countries have "bloomed in all directions", making positive progress, adding vivid examples for China to deepen mutually beneficial and win-win cooperation with neighboring countries.

Recently, during the G20 Bali Summit, the Indonesian Yavan high-speed railway under construction was successfully put into trial operation. As a landmark project of the "the Belt and Road" initiative, the achievements of Ya'an Wanzhou high-speed railway construction were unveiled, which once again witnessed the "Chinese speed" of high standard construction in the world.

Recently, there are still many good news about China's strengthening connectivity with neighboring countries. During the visit of Nguyen Phu Trong, General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Viet Nam, to China, China and Viet Nam agreed to accelerate the negotiation and signing of the "the Belt and Road" initiative and the "two corridors and one circle" framework docking cooperation plan between the two governments. Under the framework of China Pakistan Economic Corridor, China and Pakistan will accelerate the upgrading and reconstruction of Gwadar Port No. 1 railway trunk line and other projects. At the meeting of China Singapore bilateral cooperation mechanism, China and Singapore announced important achievements in connectivity, agreed to further deepen strategic docking and jointly promote the construction of new land and sea channels.

At the same time, a large number of key projects jointly promoted by China and neighboring countries have "blossomed and borne fruit".

In September, the power generation ceremony of the Sherek wind power project jointly invested and developed by Powerchina and Kazakhstan Samluk Energy Company was held as scheduled. After the project is put into operation, the average annual on grid power generation can reach 230 million kWh.

In addition, according to the statistics of China Customs, since the opening of the China Laos Railway, the total value of international freight has exceeded 10 billion yuan. The role of the golden thoroughfare continues to be highlighted, and it has increasingly become an accelerator of regional connectivity and a new engine of economic cooperation.

"China has repeatedly said that neighboring countries are welcome to take the" express train "and" free ride "of China's development, so that China's development achievements can benefit the surrounding countries more. With the strong willingness of cooperation between China and neighboring countries, the joint construction of the" the Belt and Road "has achieved many tangible results in China's surrounding areas in recent years. Especially in the field of infrastructure, a number of important projects have been completed on schedule, producing positive economic and social effects. In addition, China and neighboring countries also The cooperation in education, medical care, agriculture, water resources and other fields reflects the characteristics of multi fields and all-round. " Xie Laihui, Executive Director of the "the Belt and Road" Research Office of the Asia Pacific and Global Strategy Institute of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, said through analysis.

"The successful trial operation of Ya'an Wanzhou High speed Railway has shown all countries a vivid example of jointly building the the Belt and Road." Liu Zhiqin, a senior researcher of Chongyang Institute of Finance, Renmin University of China, pointed out to this newspaper that China has a deep foundation of friendship with its neighboring countries, which is an important reason for new achievements in the joint construction of the "the Belt and Road". In recent years, the joint construction of the "the Belt and Road" has been widely supported in China's neighboring countries, which are also the most direct beneficiaries.

It is reported that the Yawan high-speed railway will be completed and opened to traffic in 2023, becoming the first high-speed railway in Indonesia and even Southeast Asia. After opening to traffic, the travel time between Jakarta and Bandung will be shortened from more than 3 hours to 40 minutes, which will greatly improve local traffic conditions and regional connectivity.

"Positive progress has been made in China's important cooperation projects with neighboring countries to jointly build the the Belt and Road, which will play a very positive role in promoting the economic and social development of the countries where the projects are located. Taking ASEAN as an example, China is ASEAN's largest trading partner and largest export destination. ASEAN is now China's largest trading partner. With the joint construction of the the Belt and Road cooperation to help ASEAN improve connectivity, ASEAN countries can enjoy more easily The dividend brought by China's economic growth will directly benefit from the open Chinese market. The same is true of the five Central Asian countries. The high-quality construction of the the Belt and Road has made these countries more deeply integrated into the global industrial chain supply chain value chain. " Xie Laihui said.

In September, the relevant departments of China, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan signed the Memorandum of Understanding on Cooperation in China Kyrgyzstan Uzbekistan Railway Construction Project (Section within Kyrgyzstan). In October, the route survey and mapping along the key plans of the China Kyrgyzstan Uzbekistan Railway have been completed, and geological exploration and other work are progressing in an orderly manner according to the established work plan.

Kyrgyz President Sadr Zaparov said that the joint construction of the "the Belt and Road" will create opportunities for the development of Central Asia and build the region into a transcontinental transportation hub connecting east, west, north and south. "Under the cooperation framework of jointly building the the Belt and Road, promoting the implementation of the China Kyrgyzstan Uzbekistan railway construction project will become an important measure to fully release the regional transit transport potential."

"By jointly building the the Belt and Road, China helps neighboring countries stimulate endogenous growth momentum." Song Wei, a professor at the School of International Relations of Beijing Foreign Studies University, said that China always adheres to the concept of truth, affinity and sincerity, and the correct concept of justice and benefit when cooperating with developing countries, including neighboring countries. In terms of project selection, adhere to the development needs of the country where the project is located, and sincerely provide support and assistance. In terms of cooperation results, we should actively promote implementation, make commitments and take more actions. In addition to infrastructure projects, when cooperating with neighboring countries, China also pays close attention to the areas of people's livelihood, such as poverty reduction, environmental protection, medical care, disaster prevention, etc., and promotes a large number of projects that benefit the local people's livelihood. In addition, the "the Belt and Road" opposes closure and exclusiveness. In the process of promoting relevant cooperation projects, China is full of sincerity, focusing on development cooperation, practicing the concept of win-win cooperation, openness and inclusiveness, negotiating on an equal footing, and promoting relevant cooperation to achieve complementary advantages.

"The implementation of a key cooperation project will drive the development of local warehousing, logistics, transportation and other aspects, and cultivate hundreds of related enterprises and production chains, supply chains and consumption chains, which will play an important role in the development of the country where the project is located." Liu Zhiqin pointed out that China's joint construction of the "the Belt and Road" with neighboring countries has achieved fruitful results, injected more confidence and vitality into the development of neighboring countries, and further enhanced the attractiveness and vitality of the "the Belt and Road" initiative.

"In the future, as the joint construction of the" the Belt and Road "continues to go deeper and more practical, China will have more space for cooperation with neighboring countries in green, low-carbon, digital economy, human resources development and other fields." Xie Laihui analyzed that how China and its neighboring countries can jointly build the "Green Silk Road" and drive the surrounding countries to embark on a green and low-carbon development path through their own ecological civilization construction, which is a focus of international attention. At the same time, the world is experiencing the fourth industrial revolution, and all countries hope to catch up with the new wave of technological innovation. Neighbouring countries are accelerating the cultivation of new industries, new formats and new models of digital economy. China can not only provide technical support to neighboring countries, but also carry out more cooperation in the field of digital economy governance. In addition, China helps neighboring countries cultivate a large number of highly skilled talents by providing various types of vocational training, making the demographic dividend of these countries a new driving force for economic growth, which is also an important direction for cooperation between China and neighboring countries to jointly build the "the Belt and Road" in the future.

Song Wei believes that, on the basis of "hard connectivity", in the future, China will also strengthen the sharing of experience in governance with neighboring countries under the framework of jointly building the "the Belt and Road", help neighboring countries improve their macroeconomic governance capabilities, improve the business environment, integrate the development aspirations of the vast number of developing countries, including neighboring countries, and promote the development of global economic governance in a more fair, just and reasonable direction.

Neighboring countries have expressed positive will to jointly build the "the Belt and Road" with China and further strengthen cooperation.

Thai Ambassador to China Atayu Xisamom said recently that the "Thailand 4.0" development strategy and China's "the Belt and Road" initiative can be integrated, and China has good experience in science and technology, innovation, high-speed rail construction, and talent training. As a developing country, Thailand needs to learn from China's experience.

"China adheres to mutual respect, win-win cooperation, making friends and partners with its neighbors, and taking concrete actions to promote the construction of a community of shared future in the neighborhood, which has won the welcome and trust of the neighboring countries. It is worth noting that China's cooperation with its neighboring countries is focused on helping these countries make up for shortcomings in the development process, and also makes the achievements of the" all-round flowering "cooperation more sustainable." Liu Zhiqin said.


Reprinted by China News Network